The #1 Strategy To Overcoming Your Fear Of Public Speaking

Lucy Paulise career coaching fear of public speaking

Public speaking is a big fear these days, especially after so many months of being hidden behind your laptop; attending a face-to-face 3 to 4 people meeting is stressful. So what is the one thing you can do to overcome public speaking fear?

5 Reasons Why Celebration And Gratitude Can Reduce Your Stress

5 Reasons Why Celebration And Gratitude Can Reduce Your Stress

Celebrating personal achievements and expressing gratitude are essential for reducing stress levels and enhancing mental health and self-confidence. It is a misconception that doing so leads to complacency. Instead, these practices provide motivation, improve relationships, and act as counterforce to imposter syndrome. Establishing a routine of reflection on daily accomplishments, irrespective of their magnitude, helps maintain a positive mindset and reduces the pressure of constant striving.

9 signs that you have impostor syndrome and how to overcome it

Lucy Paulise career coaching imposter syndrome

70 percent of people experienced impostor syndrome for at least some part of their careers or even early on as students. And particularly now that remote work is more common, employees tend to feel the impostor syndrome even more often as they lack their manager’s feedback or the visibility required to validate their performance.