6 Strategies To Navigate Anxiety After A Layoff

anxiety after a layoff by Lucy Paulise

Losing your job can be a complicated and overwhelming experience that can affect your emotions. However, reminding yourself that this setback does not define your future or worth is essential.

A layoff may disrupt your financial stability and bring about anxieties that hinder your ability to move forward. You may start feeling like you are an imposter. Reframing how you think about it will allow you to manage anxiety and pressure and use this opportunity to grow personally and professionally. Although you cannot change what happened, you can control how you react. Here I share some valuable techniques to help you navigate this challenging period and regain control over your professional life.

1. Allow yourself to process emotions

Experiencing various emotions such as shock, anger, sadness, and self-doubt after a layoff is normal. It’s essential to allow yourself to feel and healthily handle these emotions. Take time to ponder your circumstances, recognize your feelings, and seek assistance from friends, family, support groups, or a career coach. Accepting your feelings will assist you in moving forward with a clear and definite objective.

2. Be consistent

Looking for a job can be very frustrating, as it takes time to fill out applications, receive a response, get an interview and finally get hired again. Push yourself to be consistent. Results will come if you keep trying. Set a routine for job searching, networking, skill-building, and personal growth. This routine will enhance your productivity and help you stay busy to maintain the anxiety at bay.

3. Be intentional

When searching for a job, it’s crucial to be intentional and focus on your ideal role. Consider what matters most to you and only apply for jobs aligning with your values, experiences, and desires. Applying to every possible job may seem like a good idea, but it can lead to frustration if they’re not aligned with what you’re looking for. To increase your chances of finding the right job, be precise in your search and focus on quality interviews and offers that meet your expectations. 

4. Leverage your support network

Your professional network can be a valuable resource during this transitional phase. Reach out to mentors, former colleagues or Linkedin contacts who can offer guidance, job leads, or emotional support. Seeking support from others can significantly alleviate anxiety and pressure.

5. Upskill and stay relevant

The job market continuously evolves, and staying relevant is crucial for career success. Use this transition period to upskill or expand your knowledge in areas that align with your career goals. Enroll in online courses, attend webinars, or participate in workshops to enhance your skills. Not only will this boost your confidence, but it will also make you more marketable to prospective employers.

6. Set realistic goals

Setting realistic goals and managing expectations is essential when faced with the pressure to secure a new job quickly. Finding the right opportunity may take time, and it’s crucial not to rush into a decision that may not align with your long-term objectives. Are you looking for a remote job and just got an offer for a full-time onsite job? Think again. Setting realistic expectations can reduce anxiety and maintain a positive outlook. Define how long you can survive with your current savings so that you keep a reasonable timeline in mind before taking the first offer available.

Experiencing a layoff can be a daunting experience that brings forth anxiety and pressure. However, it is important to remember that setbacks often lead to new opportunities and personal growth. You can effectively manage stress and anxiety after a layoff by allowing yourself to process emotions, be consistent and intentional, build a structured routine, leverage your support network, upskill, and set realistic goals. Embrace this period of change and look for the bright side of things.

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